Reference Number 外傭編號: EHH-109 Type 外傭類別: Overseas non-experienced 海外沒有經驗
個人紀錄 Personal Data
Name 姓名 ANIS Nationality 國籍 Indonesian 印尼
Age 年齡 29 Date of Birth 出生日期 1995
Zodiac 生肖 Pig 豬 Religion 宗教 Muslim 回教
Height 身高 160 cm Weight 體重 76 kg
Education 教育程度 Junior High School 初中 Marital Status 婚姻狀況 Married 已婚
Family Background 家庭背景
Father's age 父親年齡 Mother's age 母親年齡 50 Spouse's age 配偶年齡 36
No. of Kids 子女數目 1 Age of son 兒子年齡 10 Age of daughter 女兒年齡
No. of siblings 兄弟姊妹 2 Rank in family 家庭排行 2
Overseas Experience 海外工作經驗
Hong Kong 香港
Singapore 新加坡
Taiwan 台灣
Macau 澳門
Malaysia 馬來西亞
Middle East 中東
Home Country 原居地 2yrs
Other 其他
Working Experience 工作經驗
Care of Babies 照顧嬰兒
Care of Children 照顧小孩
Care of Elderly 照顧長者
Care of Disabled 照顧殘疾人士
Care of Pet 照顧寵物
Household Works 家務
Cooking 烹飪
Go to Market 買菜
Car Washing 洗車
Gardening 打理花園
Language Ability 語文能力

Cantonese 廣東話
Mandarin 普通話
English 英語
Remarks 備註
Reference Number 外傭編號: EHH-109
Previous Working Experience 過往工作經驗
Country/ Region 國家/地區 INDONESIA Salary 當時工資
Duration 工作時期 2011 - 2013 No. to Serve 總服務人數 3
Reason to Leave 離職原因
Care of Babies 照顧嬰兒 7M
Care of Children 照顧小孩
Care of Elderly 照顧長者
Care of Disabled 照顧殘疾人士
Household Works 家務
Cooking 烹飪
Go to market 買菜
Share Bedroom 共用睡房
Pet Care 照顧寵物
Driving 駕駛
Car washing 洗車
Gardening 打理花園
Remarks 備註
Previous Working Experience 過往工作經驗
Country/ Region 國家/地區 Salary 當時工資
Duration 工作時期 - No. to Serve 總服務人數
Reason to Leave 離職原因
Care of Babies 照顧嬰兒
Care of Children 照顧小孩
Care of Elderly 照顧長者
Care of Disabled 照顧殘疾人士
Household Works 家務
Cooking 烹飪
Go to market 買菜
Share Bedroom 共用睡房
Pet Care 照顧寵物
Driving 駕駛
Car washing 洗車
Gardening 打理花園
Remarks 備註
Previous Working Experience 過往工作經驗
Country/ Region 國家/地區 Salary 當時工資
Duration 工作時期 - No. to Serve 總服務人數
Reason to Leave 離職原因
Care of Babies 照顧嬰兒
Care of Children 照顧小孩
Care of Elderly 照顧長者
Care of Disabled 照顧殘疾人士
Household Works 家務
Cooking 烹飪
Go to market 買菜
Share Bedroom 共用睡房
Pet Care 照顧寵物
Driving 駕駛
Car washing 洗車
Gardening 打理花園
Remarks 備註
Other Questions 其他問題 YES
Do you eat pork? 你吃豬肉嗎?
Can you cook pork? 你可以煮豬肉嗎?
Do you accept Day-off not on Sunday? 你接受假日不在星期日嗎?
Can you live in a shared-room with babies / children / elderly? 你願意和小孩/嬰兒/長者同房嗎?
Are you afraid of dogs? 你會害怕狗嗎?           Remarks 備註:
Are you afraid of cats? 你會害怕貓嗎?
Do you smoke or drink alcohol? 你有吸煙或喝酒的習慣嗎?
Do you have experience in teaching children’s homework? 你有教小孩子功課的經驗嗎?
Do you have any prolonged illnesses? Have you done any surgery? 你有任何長期的疾病/做過手術嗎?
Do you have tattoos? 你有紋身嗎?
Are you willing to work with other helper? 你願意與其他女傭一起工作嗎?
Kasa Maid Agency Limited assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors and omissions in the content of this information form. The information contains in this form is provided by the applicant (the helper) on an as is basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timeliness and without any warranties of any kind whatsoever, expressed or implied. Users/ viewers shall use their own judgment in consideration of the offer of appointment.
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